Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Heat

It is hard to get motivated to do anything in the month of July.  Temperatures easily reach into the 100's everyday, and the humidity will steadily climb until the monsoons finally decide to let loose.

I had been thinking about going for a long hike this morning and kick off my training for my Grand Canyon trip, but in order to "beat the heat" I would've had to get up really early and hit the trailhead at about 5am.  Unfortunately my body decided it needed some rest and I slept in until almost 9, by which point it was already 95 degrees or so, and starting a hike was thoroughly out of the question.

I have now spent most of my day inside, and instead have decided to work on some blog posts, plan out some aspects of my fall garden, and catch up on some podcasts.  This weekend I plan on getting outside and hiking nice and early, and once it gets too hot and I come home, I'm going to start some seeds and see if I can't get some late tomatoes, peppers, and beans to sprout and kick off "Fall," no matter how far away that feels.

What're you doing to beat the heat?  And what're you doing to get ready for Autumn?

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