Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Possible Composting Project at Work

As a part of my role with my new job, I am in charge of the recycling and waste management for the store.  I make sure recyclables get to the correct bins, that "re-usables" get posted to craigslist for interested parties, etc.  One thing that we does not have in place is a composting program.

I have decided that I want to be the one to start a composting program.  I think that having 55 healthy outdoorsy-type people will make for quite a lot of compost.  If I can get most of my fellow employees on board with it, it will make for a fun project, and who knows, maybe I'll institute something that can go company-wide.  I am going to wait until I have settled into my job and figured most of my responsibilities out before I try to go forward with this.  After that, I just have to check with my managers to make sure that there are no legal or health code reasons that I can't start a composting program, and then it's full steam ahead!  The last thing I'll have to figure out is what to do with all the compost I will make!  I'm sure there will be plenty of people I work with who will want compost, but who knows if I'll be able to give it all away.  I will keep everyone updated with how the project goes once I start it up.  Thanks for reading!

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